LifeGroups are church in everyday life! We collectively share the lives we have received from Jesus! It’s about family in the Kingdom of God, and each of us is a part of it. Every person longs for deep and personal community. That’s why we also share life together during the week in smaller groups. LifeGroup should be the place where you meet friends, share life, and together, get to know God better and experience His presence and His work. Everyone is allowed to learn here, and everyone is celebrated and encouraged. Honesty is welcome here, and all questions can be asked. In other words, we want more of Jesus for each individual in the group. And because Jesus loves and wants to touch every person, we want even more people to find Jesus, get to know Him, and live for Him through LifeGroups.
LifeGroups are meant to help you grow in community with people and with God. Sharing everyday life, knowing each other, praying together, reading the Bible together and applying it, standing up for one another—all of this with friends and with God.
There are several LifeGroups in our community – international, family, men’s or women’s groups, mixed groups – located at different places and times.
If you don’t yet have a LifeGroup, we want to encourage you to become part of one. Are you looking for a LifeGroup? Then contact the LifeGroup leaders directly or write to us: We’re looking forward to hearing from you!
If you’re interested in starting a new LifeGroup yourself, then reach out to us at
Jacky & Michel & Veronika
Jugendliche (Altersgruppe 14-20)
Jeden zweiten Freitag | 19 Uhr
Nur auf Englisch
Oleg & Inga
Олег и Инга Романенко
Для кого: для людей из
Украины (мужчины, женщины,
семьи с детьми-подростками)
Где: Кандерн
Когда: каждый четверг с 18:30
Illia & Christy-Anna & Kateryna
Jugendliche (Altersgruppe 14-20)
Jeden zweiten Freitag | 18 Uhr
Nur auf Russisch / Ukrainisch
Kandern / Lörrach
Manuel & Pia
Jugendliche (Altersgruppe 14-20)
Jeden zweiten Freitag | 18:30 Uhr
Eimeldingen / Egringen