In the children’s worship service (“KIGO” for short), we celebrate worship with children aged 3-10. There is a mix of free play time, worship and teaching. Our heart is that children not only hear about God in Kigo, but also experience deep encounters with him and with each other.
This is why there is also a group time afterwards, during which the children have snack time and there is an opportunity to chat, play or do handicrafts.
We believe that God wants to build a relationship with the little ones in particular, in which he speaks to their hearts, teaches them and equips them spiritually for a time like this.
Important information about the schedule
Registration is for all Kigo Kids from 10.15-10.30 downstairs in front of the gym.
Supervised free play begins at 10.25.
The older children (5-10 years) start downstairs in the gym. Pick-up time is 12.40 in the respective group rooms.
The small children (3-4 years) have their own service and free play in their group room. Please accompany your children to the room on the 1st floor after registration.
Pick-up time for the small children is at 12.30 pm.
Bring along
Please bring labeled drinking bottles for your children. You are also welcome to bring slippers, especially in winter.
Kigo is held in German (there is no translation).
To participate in Kigo, children must be able to communicate in German so that they can understand the content and follow instructions from staff. If this is not the case, the child should be accompanied by a parent who can translate.


We want to offer our teens an age-appropriate worship service filled with community, games, and inspiring input.
When? Every Sunday (except on the 4th Sunday of the month)
Time: 10:30 AM (parallel to the main service)
For whom: All teens in 5th-8th grade
Come and join us!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Michel Kramer: